Week 11 Frontend Progress

Jeff Taylor-Chang

Jeff Taylor-Chang

Frontend Dev for Actually Colab


  • Built the collaborators panel so users can now share their notebooks and view who has access
  • Profile images are now supported for user avatars
  • Stopped hardcoding lock owners, replaced with actual live data
  • Render profile pictures from Google accounts
  • Allow users to view outputs live from other users on the notebook
  • Prevent users from editing or sharing a notebook when they have read only access
  • Render cursor positions of active users
  • Send cell contents on unlock to fix race condition
  • Track connection status to the client to prevent sending socket messages until client is ready
  • Sort notebooks by name or last modified
  • Filter notebooks using search field
  • Built workshops that have instructors and attendees
  • Rebuilt redux store to use immutable maps instead of lists
  • Use row/column to identify cursor position instead of converting to index
  • Added support for deleting cells from a notebook
  • Users can upload existing ipynb files to create notebooks or workshops
  • Implemented a chat feature to allow users to message each other
  • View workshop attendee notebooks under the instructor notebook