Week 2 Progress
Jeff Taylor-Chang
Frontend Dev for Actually ColabWe have started working on the actual implementation. This is what we have so far for the desktop application, most of the buttons don't do anything yet and hold placeholder content
We have started working on the actual implementation. This is what we have so far for the desktop application, most of the buttons don't do anything yet and hold placeholder content
We created a repo here https://github.com/actually-colab not much interesting yet, but @jtaylorchang got a proof of concept frontend working that you can write code into and then it will execute against the Jupyter kernel locally. This is a part we thought would be harder but Jeff persevered to get a demo of it working.
Still a ton of work to flesh that out into a fully featured notebook UI though and we haven't started on getting the actual code collaboration part working. Going to write up a doc soon to plan out the features.